Saturday, January 15, 2011

When bad is good.

I had the privilage of not having internet, cellphone coverage, TV or newspaper somewhere between the 2 years, ie the end of the last and the beginning of the new. I thank God for that, as I had the rare chance in this busy and hectic world to strongly reflect on his Word, the Holy Bible.

I made all the effort not to feel pushed into it, but consumed the words thereof as it were research, like just for fun. Having read the Holy Bible so many times before, and having been taught so much from Sunday School days, it amazed me how much stuff one missed. Even passages I thought I recently read, were like new. I picked up a different pespective with each reading. I suggest you do the same.

I realised that either by the paraphrasing of my previous teachers and preachers, not so many stories in the Holy Bible are really as I thought. It may be that I overgrew the readings that I got then. I really enjoyed it in a way that many think the Holy Bible can not be so enjoyed. If you could, read all the Bible in its chronological order and get amazed.

The first 5 Books of the Bible are an amazing account of the true existance of God. From my youthful life experience, the common man has an issue with God's existance to start with. If I were you, I would forget that and find something else to dispute. The account of Genesis to Deutoronomy has life true stories and places that I have been privilaged to be close to, by virtue of my work.

First and foremost, God is real and it is one arguement one should cease wasting their breath on. The debate can dwell on the numbers, places and names or spelling in the Bible, period. The accounts therein, not to make you feel pressured, should be first read as an account of events gone by. God will provide the intended divine intervention, if it be necessary.

I read with a lot of interest all the way, and came to a valuable point of seeing the power of God in the lives of people He loves. You may not get the same result, but if you can, read the Bible and we will discuss what you think and feel about its contents and stories. As it is, I do not even know whether to start discussing its issues from the beginning or from the end, surely, we will begin.

For now, chill, relax and be blessed. God loves you.

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