Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The games we played, Joshua played

Whatever your background, one of your favourite games as a child would be hide and sick, whatever the reason. Besides that, there would be ball games of differing variations. Dodge ball would be a common one among many people, then there would be one where a team aims at stacked 6 or cans to totally dismantle the assembly with a single hit, and then try to build the same pyramid dodging the ball.

The other version consisted of emptying a litre of sand from a tight necked bottle and then refilling the same amid ball fire. It always was fun despite the noise always associated with bullies who never lost graciously. The best part was that both boys and girls were involved and everything was legal.

There were games our mothers never allowed us to play. They always involved entering into a pact, loosely referred to as ‘joining’. In one, the rules were simply that whosoever was seen holding whatever item on their left hand at anytime and a code word was said, the holder gave the item away to the caller, regardless to whom the item belonged. The dangers here are obvious.

Along the same lines, was a pact of just ‘grab and dash off’ with whatever is in the other person’s hand. There would games of a similar nature where a punishment was meted upon the loser by bringing both hands together in prayer-like manner, but pointing forward and stretched. Depending on the offence, one hot claps without moving the hands away. After the mandatory hits, the victim had to try to evade the hit once and it would be over. Failure to act fast enough meant immense pain.

The most unfortunate was simply ‘Bend over’. After entering a pact, bending over invited a simple ‘free kick’ to the back side. It was the pleasure of the kicker however he executed it. As you can imagine, the mechanism of the whole idea was detrimental to the girls. Our moms never allowed such games for neither boys nor girls.

Though a little civil but very silly, was ‘Statue’. Usually, a member would be in an awkward position when the code name ‘statue’ is called out and one had to freeze at that very moment, until released. The great Warrior and man of God, Joshua, played this one with his maker. Joshua went to war and had his business unfinished as the day went by. Joshua said to the sun, ‘Freeze’, and it was so until he had killed all his enemies. The sun and the moon stood still in excess of about 12 hours and never before and after was that ever seen again.

Do we have faith to ask the impossible from God? He promises that when we seek first His Kingdom, all things will be added unto us. All.    

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